
Daily Check-In: Day 3

Alrighty, it's after midnight, I've had a really REALLY long day at the office (which you know if you're following my tweets - @RainmakerRoxy). So, let's make this short and sweet.

Not a horrible day. I ate over 1400 calories by the end of the day. Less than last night, but more than my 1200-1300 limit. I would also like to report that I dropped a couple of pounds between yesterday and today. Let's hope for deja vu tomorrow morning.

Got my workouts in. 30 Day Shred in the morning. And let me say how happy I am that it's the weekend. My body needs a break to recover. This weekend, it's all about the running and yoga. Taking it a little easy. Monday, we'll pick it back up again. Also got in 30 minutes of intense jogging on the elliptical at an average of 3-5 incline.

Effort + Cleveland humidity = one very sweaty lady. Felt great!

I gave in to eating out today. All in the name of "I HAVE TO GET THE FREAK OUT OF MY OFFICE!!!" Instead of my smoothie, I had a coffee nonfat Frappucino at Starbucks and arrived late to work by 15 minutes. My boss was out, so of course I was going to take some advantage. Joke was on me though. I had tons to do, and didn't want to plant my but in my seat all day, so I was forced to leave and grab lunch late (2:30pm), and then stay past 8PM. Lunch, by the way, was Chipotle. Delicious!

Sorry, I guess I'm just in complaint mode today. I think that's a sign to get to bed. Running in the Garfield Heights Metroparks in the morn, followed by yoga, and hiking with friends in the afternoon!

T2R The List Continues:
  • If I'm going to cave and eat out, go to the Chipotle at City View...they just hired someone cute!
  • Must catch up on my podcasts. I love to listen to them while I run on the elliptical. Maybe I'll try that at the park too
More to come...

And just because I can't get this image out of my mind, here is a vision of what I hope to avoid:

Yeah, this is that woman who is trying to gain weight to make it up to 1000lbs! I'm too tired to go into how incredibly wrong this is on several different levels, but I'm sure we'll eventually get to it.

Goodnight everybody!

Your Workout Buddy,


Daily Check-In: Day 2

Day 2 review: Let's get to it!

Workouts = 30 Day Shred Level 2 (owie, owie, owie), walking the dog (about a 30 minute walk), and 20 minutes on my mini bike pedals (love 'em)

I really wanted to go to Curves today, but of course my job got in the way. And I know what you're thinking. Something like, "Don't make excuses, blah, blah, blah."

Hey guess what. You need to get to Curves by 7:00pm in order to get a workout in, or else they lock you out. Didn't get out of work till 7:20pm. Course, I'm suppose to get out around 5:30pm, but when you're in Sales, you don't get to have much of a life.

Seriously, once I get a better grasp on my health, I'm getting out of Sales. Thank the gods for my morning workouts.

Nutrition = 1545 calories...not as great as I was hoping it would be. Definitely went over calorie-wise. Ate, watermelon, blueberry smoothie, 2 servings of Kashi crackers (spread out through the day, but I could have cut 130 calories if I only had 1 serving), oatmeal, banana, 1 pack organic chocolate cookies (had a chocolate craving, should have ignored it), egg beaters with spinach, onions, and grilled chicken, 1 slice wheat bread, 2 Babybel cheeses, and 1 serving of Lindt chocolate (another craving I shouldn't have fulfilled).

Early, almost expected, setback. Luckily, just to maintain weight, I need to eat about 2000 calories. So, I'm not worried about the scale. If anything, I should be looking forward to more energy at work for my Friday.


T2R The List Continues...
  • Ok, I hate taking pills. If I take too many, my throat starts to tense, and the pills start to get hard to swallow (ha, ha, ha swallow, we're all 12 years old). So, I need to remember to split up when I take my Vitamin D and Multi-Vitamin pills. I'll take the multi at lunch and the D at dinner...decision made!
  • Tea, remember tea dag nabbit! Makes me happy.
  • Kids are nice and all, but if I want a really good workout when I'm walking the pup, I have to avoid residential areas...I had around 8 different kids stop me to pet Buster...of course, he's so cute, why wouldn't they?

To be continued...

Day 3 coming up!

Your Workout Buddy,


Daily Check-In: Day 1

Alright, I had a good & healthy day today. Only 1215 calories consumed today. I woke up in enough time to get Level 2 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred done before work. I also had yoga-at-work class...and for future reference, Shred + yoga = dead arms! And to close my day, I did 20 minutes on my itty bitty bike pedals. I really wanted to hop on my elliptical, but got out of work late, and needed to eat before it got too late. So I took advantage of some phone time where I would usually just be sitting on my butt, or laying on my back relaxing.

Let's keep this trend up, shall we? Tomorrow is day 2! Usually the hardest of the days.

T2R List Continued:
  • Vitamins are highly important. Must take my multi, Vitamin D, and Multi-Enzyme.
  • Water is my best friend, but I need to mix it up more with tea, especially if I'm stuck at work...gets tiring really fast.
To be continued...

Not really a light-hearted note to end on, but pretty much a good thought to keep in mind.

Your Workout Buddy,


Getting back in Gear

Ok...my discipline has sucked, just plain sucked as of lately. I've been eating out just about everyday, and skipping workouts. I haven't even been to Curves in over a month. I've been staying at my crappy job late, and sleeping in till 7am each work day (Shut it! 7am is not near early enough to take a shower, shave my legs, do my hair, put on makeup, and dress myself to get to work by 9am, not to mention try to add a good workout into the mix).

I'm feeling extra weight, and I'm scared. I'M SCARED!

So, it's time to toughen up and bring some damn structure into my life.

* Up during the work week by 6:25am
* Morning workout until I say it changes for the weekdays will be Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
* Up during weekends by 8am (earlier if I have plans to adjust for)
* Morning workouts during the weekends will be running
* Starting TOMORROW (06/09/10) is the Curves diet 1200-1300 cals 4 a week
* Home-made Smoothies for breakfast (working on keeping it under 300 cals)
* Lunch  oatmeal and fruit
* Dinner...well, I need 2 do some shopping 1st to figure that out, but I really want eggs
* Evening workouts??? If I'm doing the Shred in the mornings, I think I'll switch between walking my dog (while it's still nice outside), going back to the Wii Fit, running on the elliptical, Curves (let's go for Mondays and Thursdays) and a yoga DVD
*I want 2 check in daily, nothing huge...maybe once a month or every other week...on this blog. Something to keep my head in the game.

Things to Remember (T2R) - A Continuously Growing List

  • If I miss a workout, there is always tomorrow. In fact, I'll need at least 1 day a week to recuperate. Let's make that Sundays. 
  • When I have a food craving, I'm usually not hungry. I usually am craving something else. Pause and think. 
  • I'm wasting my 20's being in a body I'm not proud of, and hiding myself from people who potentially love me, and the way I look. 
  • I'm hotter than I give myself credit for, and there are people in my life right now that remind me of this...even if I'm not into them...sorry dudes.
  • Exercising isn't a chore, so look forward to it. Yes, it takes time, but you feel great after, and the world goes away...LOOK FORWARD TO IT!!!
  • However, don't forget that it is ok to miss a workout every once in a while if you get a chance to have a life.
  • You have a bridesmaid dress to fit into (Let's give me a deadline of size 10 by November...not to far away from that size now).
  • Summer's just about here, so it's time to bring out the sexy, confident you.
  • Fit meditation into your life...before bed, light the incense, breathe deep, find peace...get more connected with myself and with the world around me.

To be continued...

Ending on a light note...this picture just makes me smile.

Your Workout Buddy