
Getting Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Life

It’s hard to avoid a good workout in Cleveland…

during the winter…

when the storms come.


Day 1 of 2014 – Woke up, shoveled snow, ate, slept
Day 2 of 2014 – Woke up, ate, slept, shoveled snow
Day 3 of 2014 - …hasn’t happened as of yet, but maybe I should just fill in the blanks?

Ok, a lot of other things happened too, but the shoveling.

Who can forget all the shoveling!!!???

I mean, I love seeing my dad’s face when he comes home from work and sees that he doesn’t have to do anything to our driveway and walkway, but we need to get a damn snow blower (if my brothers ever read this, make a note for next Christmas, his birthday or Father’s Day, PLEASE???).

But, as I said before, I have gotten some things done AND I’ve stuck to my diet (two days straight, hooray!!!)

Now is the time to get organized, before I officially get a new job, before I get too deep in my Isagenix journey and stop being that slug that shovels snow and then sits and watches TV for the rest of the day. MAYBE gets out of the house to eat something full of heavy calories.

So, I bring to you, my basic schedule of activities. And I say basic because I want to be able to have a life. However, having a basic checklist of the things I want to accomplish daily and weekly, and the best times of the day to fit them in, will help me stick to my goals.



Spinning Class

* - Two Days

Spreaker Podcast

* - Two Days



Brain Training Games


Spanish Lessons


Spiritual Lessons

* - Two Days

Music Theory Lessons

* - Two Days

Elliptical (30 Minutes)
* - 5 Days


Workout of the Month
* - 4-5 Days


Guitar Lessons

WoBN Blog Post


WoBN Video



Piano Lessons

* - Two Days
Vine Character Story



And now, here’s your BUDDY TOPIC OF THE WEEK. How do you stay organized? Share your tips and tricks for keeping yourself on track with all of your goals and ambitions. And don’t forget! You can still share what you feel makes you sexy using #sexypartsWoBud on Twitter. Find me @RainmakerRoxy.

Until next week!

Your Workout Buddy,
