

In my many years of eating, I have learned that the food we eat usually has a message for us…
8 times out of 10, the message for me has been, “You ate too much.”

Then all of a sudden, my food started to get organized in how they display their messages.

Nope, not with constant indigestion.
Not by slipping me into food comas every single meal.
Also, not a clothing size thing…

In fact, these messages have been coming to me in the form of my fortune cookies!

Yes, I admit I have made the sin of ordering Chinese delivery instead of cooking my own food (or even walking to the restaurant and picking it up myself). But apparently, my fortune cookies have been conspiring behind my back and have come to the agreement that they need to be more obvious when making their point.

It started slowly with this message from over a year ago:

But then the last couple of fortune cookies:

 And then:

So, I throw my hands up. OK COOKIES, YOU WIN!!!

I’m doing what I can to pick up the activity level, whether it’s walking at lunch with my co-worker buddies, making myself run after work, never skipping a spinning class (barring horrible, HORRIBLE Ohio weather), or adding hot yoga to my schedule.

As for my diet, I have immensely messed up my motivation over the last year, and need to put myself in check. So, with the guidance of my Bikram Yoga instructor, I am starting a new diet/cleansing system called Isagenix. Yes, it’s probably more money than I should be spending, but I 100% feel that this is the way I can overcome my addictions to eating out and eating junk.

If you’d like to know more about it, CLICK HERE!

To keep this from being a waste of money, and another program I start and then fail a couple of weeks later, I’ve put into place the following preventative measures:

  1. Leaving all credit/debit cards at home to prevent cave-ins to Taco Bell cravings
  2. Signing up for the IsaBody Challenge, which requires I check in during certain periods of the month, AND can be rewarding (if you want more information on this part of the Isagenix Program and how you can be rewarded for transforming your body…without the help of NBC or ABC...CLICK HERE!!!)
  3. AND as a bonus treat, I am posting daily videos of my journey on Vine. YES, I’M ON VINE, AND I’M ALREADY ADDICTED!!! See my first video below, find my profile and friend me please!

Oh fortune cookies, while I may not be eating you for quite a while, I thank you for helping me see the light. Wish me luck!

Your Buddy,

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