I can’t!!!
I CAN’T!!!???
What do you mean I CAN"T???
Who told you that you could determine what I can and cannot do???
I have lived this life for over 22 years now. I understand my body, my mind, and my soul better than any living creature on this planet. A scientist might be able to tell me HOW my body works, but unless that scientist is also some great higher power (God, Goddess, Allah, Buddha, Vishnu, Holy Spirit, L. Ron Hubbard, etc.), I am the only being that knows best about WHY it works the way it does.
Welcome back to the sixth installment of "Workout Buddy Needed," where your input matters.
Today’s theme: I’m mad as hell, AND I’M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!
Negativity comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes the negativity is obvious; for example, someone just outright making fun of you. Sometimes the negativity is more devious. I hate this kind. It usually come in the form of comments from people claiming to be your friend, but really trying to break you down, or put you in your place.
To those people, I’ve got two out of ten digits standing at attention for ya!
My philosophy is to not let it in. If somebody tosses negativity at you, put a positive spin on it and move on. I’d like to think that I am an overall good person, so I’ll treat the source of my negativity with as much respect as I can muster up.
Even though I’m not Catholic anymore, the idea behind the phrase "What would Jesus do" can still help a person find inner calm. I just have to remember who I am and believe in the best in people...but sometimes, when the negativity builds up against me, I can’t help, but let myself be affected.
Over the past few weeks...months, I’ve had a hell of a lot of negativity thrown at me. People have been telling me "YOU CAN’T" a whole lot.
You can’t go to Curves today because it doesn’t fit in with someone else’s schedule.
You can’t hang out with your friends because you have to be open to other unmade plans.
You can’t expect everyone to do the same amount of work as you.
You can’t go walking alone. You’re a girl, and obviously helpless!
You can’t expect to make a difference by speaking up.
You can’t help.
Can’t, CAN’T, C.A.N.’T.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After a while, on a weak day, or week, the negativity seeps in and causes self doubt and worry.
I recently had someone...one of my own Curves members that I see kind of often...tell me that my goals for my weight are unrealistic. That all the research and experience in weight loss and gain I had was all an illusion, and that I’ll never reach my goal weight...I might be able to get under 200, but to get to 160 (which is a fit size, not a skinny size for me from my experience, but just where I want to be) is impossible for someone of "my build" and "my frame." Not going to happen...
The last couple of days, I’ve actually sat back and wondered:
What if I get hurt walking by myself?
What if I did things according to someone else’s schedule instead of my own?
What if I just continued to pick up the slack of others at work instead of going to my bosses?
What if I just left all my free time open incase someone wants to hang out?
What if I just stopped wasting my energy trying so hard to make a difference and find some peace in this hell we call living?
What if I just gave up now with my weight loss and focused on maintaining?
Ha, yeah...self doubt is a bitch. Negativity is evil, but here’s what I remembered this week:
I am living this life! No one else. My time and what I do with it, not what anybody else does with it, is what is important. I am strong. If a foe approaches me, I know I will be ready to fight to the death for my right to live peacefully in this world, and if I lose, then at least I can say that I didn’t limit myself. And I am not about to become a mooch who bothers people for a ride because of fear. Have you seen the gas prices? I am no one’s bitch! Yes, I want to work hard, but at what cost to my sanity? I have to look out for my best interests first, or else I won’t remain strong enough to help others in need.
And most importantly, my health is the most important thing, next to my love, that I have. Failure is not an option. I am nowhere near my goal weight. I am still in heart attack territory. This is the fight of my life.
Failure is not an option.
So, this is my positive spin. What’s yours?
Let me hear your philosophy!!! I want to know what you do when negativity gets in your way. Bad habits. Good habits. I wanna know them all. Fill my head with ideas for my next negativity encounter.
OK gang, hit the showers, but before you go, here’s an UPDATE from last week:
So, I completely failed on my mini-goal of stretching every morning and night, but I think I know why. I have horrible sleep patterns. I keep falling asleep in front of my laptop on my couch and in weird uncomfortable positions. So, I’ve set my mini-goal this week to make sure I sleep in my bed every night. Hopefully, the stretching will follow.
Let me know how you did on your mini-goals as well, and don’t forget to check out this week’s VIDEO MOMENT with my brand new accessory:
Workout Buddy Needed Blog 6
I’ll leave you with a glimpse; the first of many pictures to come.
I’ll see you next session!
Your Workout Buddy,
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