
My Workout Buddy BIGGEST LOSER Challenge

Tomorrow morning begins a new challenge and a new set of goals for me. Meet my sister-in-law Holly:
(Sorry Holly, but I’m borrowing this picture of you online.)
Her and I have started a new tradition over the last few months where we go out to eat at places we don’t get to on a normal basis once a month (i.e. any type of ethnic restaurant like Aladdin’s Eatery…yum), and then get drinks (drunk) afterward.

So, after talking at our last meet-up last week about how I would like to lose more weight, and she would like to lose the baby weight she’s been struggling to lose (having a girl is like a curse upon the waistline by the way), she decided to text me with a proposition…A BIGGEST LOSER CHALLENGE!!!
The terms of this challenge: Whoever loses more weight each month will be The Biggest Loser that month and will not have to pay for drinks at our next meet-up.

The challenge starts tomorrow (or today by the time I tweet this for people to actually read), August 2, 2011. I will weigh myself (YIKES) and post the beginning results online at my favorite calorie/exercise tracker: My Fitness Pal.com
While only the weigh-in at the end of the month…in this case, the 2nd of every month...will count, I will post a weekly weigh-in on my tracker site as well as an update on my blog. SO WATCH FOR IT!!!
My goals as they stand today:
1.     Eat no more than 1299 calories for the 1st week 
2.     Drop 20 pounds in the 1st month (I know I can do 15 pounds in two weeks when I try) 
3.     Drop 30 pounds by the end of September

This will grow and change as I grow (SHRINK) and change.
 Wish me luck!!!

And here’s a TOPIC OF THE WEEK:
How have your goals changed since you’ve grown (hopefully as a person and not in the weight-sense)?

Your Workout Buddy,

P.S. Remember to follow me on Twitter @RainmakerRoxy and tweet my trending topic #WOBuddy...do it today!!!