
Road to Thirty!!!

Oh, my patient followers…all two of you…

I have returned! After months of trying to figure myself out, I am ready to travel forward on my journey to becoming healthy.

After such a long absence, some of you might ask my why this blog is so important to me. Honestly, the first thing I had in mind when I started this blog was to use it as an accountability tool. The more I write, the more I reveal, the more I have to stick with my plans because it would be embarrassing to not show any progress post to post, right?

Well, several months in between posts and countless weight fluctuations later, I’m back at 235.2 pounds, quitting the Isagenix program I started in the previous post, not exactly swimming in cash (as if I ever was), and starting over anew.

Photo of My So-Called Progress

The difference between now and then? I have just a little over a year before I’m Dirty Thirty, and I have a new tool in my fight against obesity: Pete Thomas’s book “Lose It Fast, Lose it Forever”.

A MUCH Happier Photo

For those of you that don’t remember who Pete Thomas is, he is the 2nd season at-home winner of “The Biggest Loser”. He dropped about 185lbs and has kept it off for OVER SEVEN YEARS!!! In terms of health, he is the show’s biggest success story. Pete is a man that I want on my team.

Which leads me to my new reason for keeping this blog alive. I’m building my team! All ya'll (sorry for the "ya'll")!!!

At the end of the first step in Pete book, which is about discovering “Your Power”, he advises readers to build a team of people that can help hold you accountable; people you know support you and your goals.


It’s time this blog is used the way it was originally intended. I’ve already set up my S.M.A.R.T. goals (you can learn more about what that means in Pete’s book), and I’d like to share them with you now:

  • I want to lose 40 pounds in 70 days (October 5th when I set the goal, just in time to buy a new Halloween costume).
  • I want to lose a total of 80 pounds in 216 days (7 months, March 1st, when I set the goal)
    • This averages out to about 2.66 pounds per week and 10.64 pounds per month

With these goals in place and met, I will start off my 30s in the best of health and be ready to kiss my 20s BUH-BYE!

SO TEAM! Your turn. What are your goals? Maybe you don’t like to go by weight specifically. What about physical challenges you want to take on? Doing a pull-up? Running a 5K?


Your Workout Buddy,
