Consider this a break-up letter.
Dear Taco Bell Drive-Thru Lady,
You have always been very courteous to me. You take my order
with 0 mistakes. You always have a smile on your face when you take my debit
card and hand me my meal…you even seem to hold back judgment when I Live Más
for over $10.00 and there’s no one in my car with which to share the bounty. You
make it easy to just drive up and get a tasty, very filling (unhealthy) meal with nary a
thought. That is, until I reach that regretful point of digestion…
And then, in your friendly way, you tell me how every time you
see me, I look so nice. Course, that’s because I’m usually grabbing Taco Bell
after a night of drinking my calories away at a bar where I’m dressed to pick
up some hot guy (and always failing to do so).
Great compliment? OF COURSE…but when the part-time drive-thru
person (who looks like she’s in high school) starts to recognize you, it’s a
sign that you’ve eaten there far too many times.
So, farewell Taco Bell and Taco Bell Drive-Thru Lady. I’ve
officially shamed myself into not patronizing your business anymore…
Or maybe I’ll just go to the Taco Bell the next town over?
Nah, nah, I should just give it up.
Your Buddy,